Exploring Earth

Academic internships

The birth of a bridge..!

Do you need adventure but are you still immersed in the studies? Here is the solution!
A university internship experience at the edge of the world with Exploring Earth!!! Internships, university projects, incredible trips and other opportunities are just waiting for you…!


Academic internships around the world

Here’s the possibilities offered you by an internship experience with our non-profit association, already affiliated with many Italian universities and therefore authorized to subscribe your missing university credits!



University internships in english


University internships worldwide (available immediately: India; work in progress: Thailand, Africa)


Teaching of languages or subjects in the host institution


Laboratory and fieldwork activities


Analysis of socio-economic and cultural changes


Anthropological research


Participation in seminars and study classes abroad


Language and cultural studies


Photo reportage



For more details and useful tips download the following pdf documents:

Why not a normal internship in an Italian company?

The boundaries of the society in which we live are increasingly blurred, and work projects overseas are now common even in small businesses. But are we really sure we know the culture and way of thinking of our foreign collaborators? And how much can this affect the success of the work?
How much a correct awareness of the socio-economic and cultural background of the country with which we want to relate can enrich the exchange that we are about to conclude, be it economic or personal?

Academic internship abroad: opportunities for growth and discovery!

An academic internship with Exploring Earth offers you the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of experience, to provide for the gap given by misinformation and media hypocrisy. It will then be up to each of you to decide how to use such knowledge…! Is there a need to make a change? To take a step back? To take a hundred forward?

We are at a moment in history when humanity is poised between a golden technological advance and the brink of a global crisis, between supermarkets overflowing with food and world hunger, between recycling programs and trash islands

As the writer Sebastian Fitzek says, we live in a state of impotence: we would like to be able to do something, but we do not have the possibility.

Here is the answer of our association: let us create this possibility!

Let us get to know, to observe the world with our own eyes, and let our studies and our steps accompany this twenty-first century towards what it needs, towards the necessities and aims that we will have discovered traveling!

How did the project come about?

Obviously from a first-person experience! An exciting journey that has forever transformed my vision of the world!

I will dream again for a long time the long months spent in the wildest India to complete my pre-graduate internship, devoting myself to teaching English and studying in the field of green farming.

My academic findings are summarized in the articleIndia, echoes of a massacre”, published in the Micromega online magazine.

But the human baggage that has left me such an adventure can never be contained in a book, nor explained with words…

That’s why, since my return to Italy, I wanted to share with others such a unique opportunity!

In 2015 I founded the non-profit association Exploring Earth, in collaboration with Elisabetta Fagnani, graduated in languages, and Eva Mucciarini, graduated in economics.

Grateful to fate for leading me along this Path, I hope I have opened the way for many new adventurers, ready to leave to know themselves and the world!

Contact us for more informations





+39 338 4450849

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